
[Wisconsin Teenager Killed in Sawmill Accident Amid Loosening of Child Labor Laws] - Fox News

[Michael Schuls, a] 16-year-old boy killed in an accident at a Wisconsin sawmill appears to have been doing work allowed by state child labor laws when he was injured, police records obtained Tuesday show.

His death comes as lawmakers in several states, including Wisconsin, are embracing legislation to loosen child labor laws. States have passed measures to let children work in more hazardous occupations, for more hours on school nights and in expanded roles. Wisconsin Republicans back a proposal to allow children as young as 14 to serve alcohol in bars and restaurants.

State and federal labor agencies are investigating the accident in northern Wisconsin to determine whether workplace safety or child labor laws were violated.

Most work in sawmills and logging is prohibited for minors, but in Wisconsin, children 16 and older are allowed to work in planing mills like the one Schuls was stacking lumber in when the accident occurred. A spokesperson for the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, which sets the state’s labor standards, did not immediately return a voicemail left Tuesday.

Read the full story here

Fox News

Locations: Wisconsin 

Organizations: Republican Party (GOP) Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development 

Tags: Child Labor Legislation Corporate Negligence 

Type: Headlines