
Climate change anxiety impacts parents’ decision to have more children: Survey - The Blaze

A recent survey revealed that most parents concerned about climate change say it impacts their decision to have more children.

The survey, published by the technology company HP and conducted by the global business intelligence firm Morning Consult, found that 53% of parents who stated they were concerned about climate change also said it affects their perspective on having more children.

The survey, “Parents and the Planet: How Sustainability Impacts Purchasing Decisions,” questioned 5,000 parents from India, Mexico, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States — approximately 1,000 parents from each country.

Parents were asked about their thoughts on climate change and how it impacted various purchasing decisions. It found that parents alter their purchasing, career, and family decisions based on climate change anxiety.

Of the 5,000 surveyed, 91% stated they were “concerned about the climate crisis.”

The survey participants expressed being most concerned with rising temperatures, 62%; water shortages, 51%; sea levels, 43%; and weather events, 43%.

A breakdown of the survey results showed that 98% of parents in India are concerned about the climate, 96% in Mexico, 95% in Singapore, 87% in the United Kingdom, and 82% in the United States.

According to the survey’s results, parents prefer to associate with “companies that are taking climate action and believe that corporations must hold themselves accountable for acting to address the climate crisis.”

While parents acknowledged an increased cost of living, they said they still preferred to purchase sustainable products, even at higher prices.

Read the full story here

The Blaze

Locations: India Mexico Singapore United Kingdom United States of America 

Organizations: Hewlett-Packard Morning Consult 

Tags: Climate Change Survey 

Type: Headlines