
‘Quick Trial’: Trump Praises China For Executing Drug Dealers - The Daily Caller

Former President Donald Trump praised China for executing drug dealers during a campaign event in Iowa Thursday.

“I had a deal with President Xi, he was gonna make it illegal to produce fentanyl in China, and that would mean the death penalty and in China they have the death penalty,” Trump said.

“I said to President Xi, ‘Do you have any a drug problem?’ He looked at me like, ‘What kind of a question — of course we don’t.’ They have the death penalty. They called a quick trial,” Trump said.

“If somebody’s selling drugs, they have a quick trial and they execute the people and it’s a terrible thing when you think about it, but when you really think about it, the average drug, I just saw a statistic: the average drug dealer in this country kills 500 people over a lifetime,” Trump said.

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The Daily Caller

Locations: China Iowa 

People: Donald Trump Xi Jinping 

Tags: Fentanyl Drugs Death Penalty 

Type: Headlines