
Chinese $58 billion railroad to connect with Pakistan and reduce reliance on West - One America News

China has proposed a massive $58 billion railroad project that will link western China with Pakistan, further reducing Western trade dependence.

The railroad is part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, which is China’s global infrastructure development strategy adopted in 2013 that includes investing in more than 150 countries, and international organizations.

The state-owned China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co Ltd analysts examined and approved the proposal, despite its heavy price tag. According to the proposal’s assessment board, the 1,860-mile rail line comes with the potential to “reshape trade and geopolitics across the Eurasian Continent.”

According to the report, analysts said that the PLA government and the financial institutes “should provide strong support, increase coordination and collaboration among relevant domestic departments, strive for the injection of support funds, and provide strong policy support and guarantees for the construction of this project.”

The railway, which will connect the Chinese city of Kashgar to the Pakistani port of Gwadar, will be the largest transportation project that China has invested in so far. The country has also contributed to the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail line in Indonesia, which is the first high-speed rail system in Asia and is set to open in June.

Pakistan’s economy is also expected to greatly benefit from the rail line due to the direct and easier commerce with China.

According to reports, China is expected to further develop new train systems that would link China with Turkey and Iran which would open up more direct access to the regions.

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One America News Network

Locations: China Pakistan 

Tags: Infrastructure Transportation Trade 

Type: Headlines